What Are the Major Benefits Associated with Spiritual Practice?
Spiritual practice signifies finding oneness with the divine self. This cosmic connection is hard to achieve, but even associated trials offer loads of benefits to individuals. You may need common ... -
Spirituality and Attitude at Work
Spirituality is a state of mind and does not necessarily adhere to tenets of any religion. It is different from dogmas and rituals. It is inherent to everyone and is ... -
Dynamics of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)
If you are new to yoga, it is best to start with Surya Namaskar which is known as Sun Salutations in the West. It is all comprehensive and is an ... -
The Dissolution of Identity
There's a transition in the spiritual life which is probably one of the more difficult transitions. Its probably the most difficult transition to make spiritually or ever make and not a lot of people ... -
Yoga and Spirituality
Although yoga has become a hot new trend, particularly among celebrities, it is actually an ancient spiritual practice originating in India, and it has been used by Hindus for centuries ...