Human frequency

Human's can't perceive a large percentage of frequencies of the world

Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance

- Confucius, Chinese philosopher, teacher and politician (551—479 BCE)

True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us

  – Socrates, the founder of Western philosophy (470 BC - 399 BC)

The most important journey you can take is one of self-discovery. Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom….. The more you know, the more you know you don't know  

- Aristotle, Greek philosopher and polymath (384 BC - 322 BC)

Preconceived notions are the locks on the door to wisdom.

  • Mary Browne (1891 – 1971)

When I open one door [on new knowledge], three more appear 

- G. Edward Griffin, documentary film producer and Red Pill University (1931 - present)

Be a free thinker and don't accept everything you hear as truth. Be critical and evaluate what you believe in.

- Aristotle, Greek philosopher and polymath (384 BC - 322 BC)

Every person that you meet knows something you don't; learn from them.

- H. Jackson Brown, Jr. American author (1940 - 2021)


If I cannot see, hear, touch or smell a thing, it does not form part of my reality. Can we assume that that thing does not exist?

The Human Five Senses are extremely limited. Humans only see around 5% of the visual spectrum. Multiple waves exist the human eye cannot SEE

Dogs can follow a scent that’s more than 13 days old. The air is full of scents the human nose cannot SMELL

Sounds (detectable to animals) are in the air that the human ear CANNOT hear.

Sounds and images – created by man - surround us constantly that are not detectable to the human senses. We require a radio receiver to HEAR invisible radio waves; a modem to SEE the images and video transported by Wi-Fi signals. 

If someone told you such things surrounded you – some even pass through your body - but you had neither the senses or technology to detect them, what would you think? 

Every animal is limited in its awareness of reality. For example, we are aware of the concept of death and time, whereas ants are not. Though it may appear that we are much more “enlightened” than ants, it is highly unlikely our understanding of reality is complete. 

Much of the content may challenge some long held beliefs, so before reading the contents of this paper, it is strongly recommended to digest the following selection of papers from credible (scientific and military) sources: 

  1. Galileo Commission’s Layman’s Report. In consultation with 90 advisers, representing 30 universities worldwide, The Galileo Commission explored the scientific evidence for consciousness and phenomena that suggests that we are so much more than our physical bodies. This report dissects decades of evidence of our higher-self abilities (Telepathy; Telekinesis, Clairvoyance, Precognition etc) 

“The Galileo Commission Report is a revolutionary work that serves as a “wake-up call” to humanity that there is more to this universe than our physicalist notions currently allow. This report is a well-written, comprehensible, yet thorough introduction to the big concepts and ideas surrounding a world view beyond physicalism and the necessity for humankind to broaden and deepen our understanding of consciousness. This report is a compelling call for us to re-examine the impact of our belief systems and assumptions on our work and to expand our scope, deepen our introspection, and apply our scientific curiosity towards a more comprehensive understanding of consciousness. The ramifications of such are too big to ignore” 

- Jennifer Kim Penberthy, PhD, ABPP Chester F. Carlson Professor of Psychiatry & Neurobehavioral Sciences, Division of Perceptual Studies

Since the 1950s, the US, Czechoslovakian and Russian Governments explored the metaphysical for counter-intelligence and military purposes. Following is merely a selection of those most relevant to this paper:

  1. summary of the declassified CIA report about the "Gateway Experience", which successfully proved a technique to enable one to alter their consciousness to achieve astral projection (moving consciousness outside the body)
  1. the assessment report of the Gateway project by US Army Lieutenant Colonel Wayne M. McDonnell
  1. outline of Office of Naval Research four-year, $3.85 million research program, to explore premonition and train soldiers to hone precognitive skills 

Also, note the 1975 document prepared by the U. S. Army Medical Intelligence and Information Agency: 

over a course of 25 years “Soviet and Czechoslovakian parapsychologists have reported that paranormal phenomena such as extrasensory perception (ESP), telepathy, and psychokinesis (PK) have been demonstrated under rigorously controlled laboratory conditions”. 

The multi-million dollar experiments were typically conducted on behalf of the military.

NB: this is only what they have chosen to declassify. Classified information typically takes 25 years before declassification

After digesting Parts 1 and 2, you will have been presented with credible information to demonstrate the points below. This includes scientific studies; medical records; declassified Government documents; ancient texts; verifiable testimonials; and some practical techniques that enable anyone to verify aspects of the points below.

By all means remain sceptical, but stay open to the possibility that what you believe now may be wrong. It is a fallacy to assume that simply because many “experts” or officials proclaim something to be true, that it must be so. One only needs to look at the numerous “experts” that professed to know the truth about cigarettes, fatty foods, Saddam’s arsenal of WMDs; efficacy of certain vaccines. Sometimes the majority can get something wrong - group think or conflicts of interest can drive false narratives.

Part 1 covers

  1. the human body and all “matter” are energy 
  2. US and Russian Governments spent decades exploring military uses for sixth sense (ESP) abilities. Their studies proved that telepathy and remote viewing across distance and time were real and that we can be trained to use these dormant abilities, while mainstream science promotes the false narrative that these abilities are not proven
  3. the science evidencing “healing hands” (manipulation of energy)
  4. the body was designed to consume H302 water - created in nature - not reprocessed H20 (tap, bottled) water. Simple processes change water at the molecular level to improve hydration, energy and reduce disease
  5. water has memory
  6. human beings are interconnected via consciousness
  7. consciousness exists outside of the brain and outside of death   
  8. scientific and mathematical impossibility of Darwin’s Theory
  9. words have power and affect matter 

Part 2 covers

  1. for 2500 years, up until 800AD, a path to spiritual enlightenment was institutionalised within the nobility class
  2. every traditional culture until about 300 years ago always focussed their healing on the vital life force. Science and medicine moved away from life force and energies, despite evidence of their efficacy
  3. knowledge the Ancient civilisations had about humans’ higher-self abilities 
  4. society has been moulded to increase one’s desire for the physical (consumerism; sexual, drug and food gratification); keep us distracted (social media and entertainment); and increase fear/stress. All of which decrease one’s our appetite for, and understanding of, the spiritual 
  5. words and thoughts shape our reality – evidence of Manifestation 
  6. consciousness in nature 
  7. suppression of Spirituality by the Establishment
  8. techniques to raise one’s vibration (get in tune with our higher self, increase our intuition)
  9. thousands of individuals report having multiple incarnations. Many have been independently verified

This information came to us very gradually, from numerous sources, over a 20-year period. Providing everything at once may be overwhelming. Plus, it may be difficult to process some content in part 2 until first being convinced of facts A, B and C (in part 1). 


“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence” ― Nikola Tesla 


“Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter” – Einstein

Lieutenant Colonel Wayne M. McDonnell was tasked by the Commander of the U.S. Army Operational Group to explain non-physical phenomena to senior army officials. A summary of his Gateway Process report:

The atomic structure is composed of oscillating energy grids surrounded by other oscillating energy grids at tremendous speeds. These oscillation rates vary—a human cell vibrates at 10 to the power of 3. The point is that the entire universe is one complex system of energy fields. States of matter in this conception then are merely variations in the state of energy. 

In plain English: humans, atoms, water, sound, emotions, thoughts…EVERYTHING is energy! Everything vibrates at its own frequency. Even objects that seem static, like a table, continually move at the quantum level. They simply vibrate at a slower speed. What we call “matter” has more stable molecular structures, what we refer to as energy changes and moves faster. 

Humans vibrate at particular frequencies. Many people can sense when in the presence of a high-energy individual or someone who is low energy (depressed or suicidal). Some of us can sense this despite no outward sign of the individual’s mood. Scientific research has shown that different parts of our bodies have their own sonic signature. In other words, the frequency of the cells of your heart differs from the sound of the cells of your lungs. 


Additional optional reading:

  • The Vibrational Frequencies of the Human Body by Brian Rose, KIYA Longevity
  • Frequency levels of different parts of body
  • Vibration Symphony of Life documentary
  • summary of his Gateway Process report


Everything owes its existence solely and completely to sound 

- Hans Jenny, physician and natural scientist who coined the term “cymatics”

Noting the human body is vibrating frequencies, it makes sense that frequencies can affect the body positively or negatively

Negative Uses of Frequencies

Since the 1990s, acoustic devices have been used for crowd control. Radio wave frequencies are used by the military to inflict pain on combatants eg. Active Denial System

Positive Uses of Frequencies

What scientists say….

Frequencies can knit bone, repair cells and cure disease 

  • Biologically optimal levels of electromagnetic frequencies for stimulating human tissue repair are all in what’s called the extremely low frequency (ELF) range. They have been documented as 2 cycles per second (Hz) for nerve regeneration, 7 Hz for bone growth, 10 Hz for ligament repair, and 15 Hz for capillary formation. PEMF device approved by the FDA for stimulating bone growth.
  • regrows bone 
  • reduces impact of Fibromyalgia pain, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Depression, and even increase blood flow, Lee Bartel is Professor Emeritus of Music and Health and Music Education
  • “cause resonance in DNA, and may have healing properties” - Biochemist Glen Rein
  • A healthy body resonates at a frequency of 62 to 70 MHz and when your frequency drops to 58 MHz, that is when the process of disease begins

Dr Royal Rife, one of the greatest scientific minds of the 20th Century, developed many technologies still is use today in fields of optics, electronics and radio-chemistry. He invented a frequency generator that destroys multiple diseases. Rife identified the Mortal Oscillatory Rate (MOR) of various pathogenic organisms. This MOR was the specific frequency of the pathogen, which, when fed this frequency would cause destruction of the harmful organism. This occurs in the same way as an opera singer hitting a high 'C' might shatter a wine glass. 

The Rife machine destroys infectious organisms, viruses, bacteria and fungus and has been used to eliminate 52 different microorganisms including cancer, tuberculosis, strep and leprosy. “[Rife] successfully treated cancer in over 400 experimental rats and other animals in his laboratory”. 


  • 528 hz music has “an especially strong stress-reducing effect, even after only 5 minutes of exposure”
  • Maria Renold claims conclusive evidence that A=432 Hz negatively impacts consciousness - “disassociates the connection of consciousness to the body and creates anti-social conditions in humanity” 
  • Solfeggio Scale – history, Cymatics; link to Book of Numbers in the Old Testament Bible
  • 432 Hz and 528 Hz appears in nature, ancient healing chants, mathematics and the Pyramids
  • heals chakra deformities, according to clairvoyant Barbara Brennan, former physicist and founder of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing
  • Sound Healing

Remove pollution

Alters Consciousness

  • Sound has identifiable effects on human capabilities, including alertness, sleepiness, and expanded states of consciousness – evidence gathered by Robert Monroe, founder of The Monroe Institute, in the 1950s. "Hemi-Sync" frequencies patented in 1975 - to trigger an altered state of consciousness


Additional optional reading:

Dr Knut Pfeiffer has expertise in energy fields (reported that 450,000 patients treated with electromagnetic forces). His impuls7 therapy claims to scientifically prove therapy using electromagnetic pulses to repair damage in the body’s electromagnetic field.

Why was Rife’s machine – proclaimed to cure almost any health condition - not used by the medical establishment? 


Frequencies affect matter and can most easily be seen in water. Water’s molecular structure transforms when it is exposed to…

  • different music changes water’s structure in different ways (15:10-20:33, Messages From Water - Dr Masaru Emoto)
  • spoken words; chanting (Reiki Episode 31 17:42-24:40)
  • prayer (4:15); before and after prayer

Manipulate Matter

  • Cymatics can make matter “defy gravity”: water changes shape (Nigel Stanford); powder on a plate
  • frequencies can move objects - Joe Rogan, Randall Carlson & Graham Hancock - Lost Technology (5:00). Think of a mobile vibrating on a table – how easily it moves. Experiment showing vibration can easily move massive weight
  • laws of vibration used by ancient Egyptians
  • Egyptians used vibration to lift/move stone and cut stone precisely (blocks so perfectly matched that not even a human hair can be inserted between them)

Noting humans are (molecularly) 99% water...what effect does music and words (negative and positive) have on the physical body!


Additional optional reading:

  • tuning forks found in Pyramids     
  • Nikola Tesla managed to lift heavy machinery in 1898 using a “vibration” machine (0:30)


Water accounts for 65 to 90% of each living human cell. At the molecular level, our body is 99% water. Consuming the purest water has miraculous benefits for our health and energy levels…

100% of humans are dehydrated (at the cellular level). Bottled, tap and filtered water CANNOT efficiently hydrate our cells fully and appears to be a cause for some disease.  The body needs water for almost every process, including regulating body temperature, aiding in digestion, lubricating joints and the spinal cord, helping the brain make and use certain hormones, delivering oxygen, and eliminating waste. A loss of 4% of total body water leads to dehydration, and a loss of 15% can be fatal.

Practically all water available to humans today is reprocessed and unstructured, which causes dehydration at the cellular level and disease. Body has to work harder to process unstructured water to make it useable for the body  

What is Structured WaterExplanation by TWE

What does it look like?   Natural water (created in springs, fountains and rivers) is structured and goes by the names H302; or “hexagonal” or “EZ” or “Fourth Phase” water. Water is molecularly different in every river, lake and fountain….

NOTE: water with claimed healing abilities (eg. Lourdes or ZamZam) are different at the molecular level than other natural water. More examples HERE

Processed water (tap and bottled) is unstructured. Not only is it not crystalline in structure, it is chemically different (H20) and has different properties when digested

Other comparisons:

  • Gas Discharge Visualization Camera 
  • Bovis Biometer readings (while an element of subjectivity to readings the differences between tap, “Holy” and structured water are too significant to discount)

Doctors/Scientists etc explain what difference it makes

  • relationship with blood flow, cancerous tumors, and epigenetics
  • Structured water hydrates crops 20% more effectively and the crops grow quicker
  • increases health of blood (0:37-1:50, Secret of Water) 
  • increases energy through the net energy savings on cellular level, soften joints, transfer information, and improve overall vitality
  • relationship with protein folding and chronic conditions
  • H302 more oxygenated than unstructured H20 water
  • fascia, our sponge-like connective tissue
  • removes some toxins 
  • increased rate of growth, reduced markers of oxidative stress, improved glycemic and insulinemic responses in diabetics, improved blood lipid profile, improved semen and spermatozoa quality, and increased tissue conductivity as measured using bioelectrical impedance analysis - Journal of Animal Science, Volume 99, Issue 5, May 2021
  • 100% of 60 patients tested all showed improvement in energetic fields after drinking ZamZam (structured / energetic) water – German non-Muslim Dr Knut Pfeiffer. ZamZam water has religious context for Muslims. You may ignore the religious sections to get an outline of its Origins and science supporting its unique properties. Pfeiffer has expertise in energy fields (reported that 450,000 patients treated with electromagnetic forces) 
  • Other claims requiring verification:
    • 22% increase in milk production from cows; 
    • life-force energy readings higher than Holy “healing water” from Lourdes
    • Dr Emoto claimed to have cured 15,000 patients (21:55) with HADO/structured water
    • sewage water made drinkable; 
    • “One ancient Indian technique, Kaya Kalpa, stops, or even reverses, the ageing process through fasting and drinking healthy water to facilitate the physical cleansing that supports the subtle meditation practices" - page 72 of The Healing Energies of Water

If you simply Google “structured water” you will be met with sites asserting there’s no scientific proof supporting the various claims and claim scientists/doctors promoting such to be pseudoscientists. Possible reasons some ridicule Structured Water? 

  1. New science discoveries are always met with pushback, as different ideas risk upsetting the esteem, expertise and positions of those in power, gained from the previous understanding of a topic
  2. Disbelief, leading to refusal to explore the research – how could something so simple be so beneficial, yet not understood for centuries?
  3. Conflicts of interest? If the health/energy benefits are true, structured water poses a financial threat to the bottled water industry (worth $259 billion dollars annually); energy drinks industry ($86.35 billion); water with healing properties is a threat to Big Pharma (over $1.2 trillion) and may cause political strife if citizens demanded changes to the way water is supplied publicly. Industry has a history of paying doctors and scientists to manipulate studies and provide false testimonials (see history of Tobacco and Asbestos Industry) to maintain their profits.

See article explaining why Wikipedia Has Got it All Wrong and note the supporters of Structured Water:

  • existence of the exclusion zone (EZ), a layer of water in which plastic microspheres are repelled from hydrophilic surfaces, has now been independently demonstrated by several groups 
  • Dave Asprey, four-time New York Times bestselling science author, and host of the top 100 podcast The Human Upgrade (5:34)
  • variety of doctors and scientists that attend the Annual Conference Of The Biology, Chemistry, And Physics of Water
  • in principal, SW was used by Tibetans for centuries. Their equivalent was Butter Tea (8:27).  Butter tea (po cha) been a daily ritual for many families in the Himalayan regions of Nepal, Bhutan, India, and Tibet since the 7th century


Additional optional reading:

  • Structured water – detailed Dr Pollack talk
  • The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor book
  • “The existence of the exclusion zone (EZ), a layer of water in which plastic microspheres are repelled from hydrophilic surfaces, has now been independently demonstrated by several group” 
  • Messages from Water and the Universe book summarises 15 years of photographic research by Japanese Scientist Masaru Emoto to support his theory
  • Vortex research – see Schwenk's book Water, The Element of Life
  • Toxins in UK tap water: PFAS, 330 identified man-made chemicals
  • Voltmeter showing electrical charge change when Unstructured water is then Structured – Rob Gourlay, research scientist (ex-Major in Australian Army Reserves in the fields of satellite mapping for water sourcing and soil salinity)
  • claimed that 8% loss of structured water in the body can unravel the DNA (requires verification)

Options to structure water 

Processed/unstructured water can be made structured by:

  • aqua energizer devices eg. TWE, are verified to change the structure
  • simple vortex coils appear to suffice, according to research by German naturalist Theodor Schwenk; testing with the Lecher Antenna. Examples: Aqua-Vortex Energiser;  Vortex Water Revitalizer

Alternative solutions

  • add ghee or MCT (Medium-chain triglycerides) Oil – example.     Avoid blended oil (7:38).  Blend for 20 seconds in high powered blender or 1 min in handheld frother (9:50)
  • add teabags to glass pitcher and leave out in sun (11:39)
  • add natural (not processed) salt and create vortex 
  • Music, spoken words, written words or positive emotions focussed on the water (as shown in links above/below). Dr Emoto concluded the combination of words “I Love You” and “Thank You” were most effective at changing water’s structure 


Every thought and emotion is energy and creates vibrations. These vibrations travel throughout the world and are not affected by any physical obstruction. Evidence for limitless travel of thought appear:

  • at Dr. Jessica Utts Talking Points interview. Neither a faraday cage, nor being 500m under water in a submarine, prevented humans using their remote viewing ability 
  • in a report for the CIA, where it states the entire body can transfer energy at between 6.8 and 7.5 Hertz, with wavelengths that are circa 40,000 kilometers long, which happens to be the perimeter of the planet. The signal can move around the world’s electrostatic field in 1/7th of a second.

Other observations:

  • quantum world eg. act of one observing affects path of light photons (8:15)
  • words carry vibrational energy (5:04, Secret of Water)
  • written words (23:22)
  • photos

Mind Over Body

Following suggests one can bring about disease and even death by the mind:

  • the Nocebo-effect
  • Psychogenic death
  • a third of babies that receive little to no affection or touch literally die
  • other examples: Psychology Today;  British man unemployed, who spent 18+ hours daily watching tv, died in his 20s of natural causes (ie. Psychogenic death)

If the mind is powerful enough to cause disease, can it also heal?


  • The US Government knew in 1983 that using the brain in a certain way ie. Biofeedback, can block pain and even suppress tumors. 
  • Dr. Joe Dispenza, Neuroscientist and Coherence Healing: power of mind able to regulate 1561 new genes within 8 weeks (2:55). One gene can be expressed in 3000 different ways. 120 randomly chosen people had IgA levels jump 53.5 to 87 in just four days from thought ie. 10 minutes gratitude, a few times per day (4:11) - Dr Joe Dispenza - "The Fastest Healing You'll Ever Experience!"
  • Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself by Dr. Lissa Rankin, a skeptical physician, trained in evidence-based academic medicine; Jo Marchant, science journalist - “Cure: a journey into the science of mind over body”
  • Reiki (manipulation of “invisible” energy) purifies water
  • “ageing process” - improve strength, vision, hearing, and memory - Dr. Ellen Langer, a Harvard psychology professor
  • Heal your body says award-winning science journalist Jo Marchant
  • Anyone can be shown how to heal
  • Lynn McTaggart’s Power of Eight group work 
  • McTaggart’s large-scale, global intention experiments: “In the 39 experiments Lynne has run to date, 35 have evidenced positive, measurable, mostly significant change. No pharmaceutical drug has achieved that kind of consistent track record”


Additional optional reading:


Between the 1950s - 1975, the power of the mind was proven in multiple experiments: “Soviet and Czechoslovakian parapsychologists have reported that paranormal phenomena such as extrasensory perception (ESP), telepathy, and psychokinesis (PK) have been demonstrated under rigorously controlled laboratory conditions” - document prepared by the U. S. Army Medical Intelligence and Information Agency. US Government also spent decades exploring military use of paranormal phenomena – see links at page 3.

If you remain skeptical about the power of thought, intent and emotion, test it at home. 

  1. Write the words “I Love You” and “Thank You” on glass 1 and words “I hate you” on glass 2. Fill glasses with the same water at same time. Put glasses in different rooms and leave overnight, ensuring there’s no sound near glass 2. Differences that appear overnight:
  • the structured (Love) water tastes sweeter and has less of a chemical taste 
  • more and larger bubbles in the “Love” water (more oxygenated) and zero/negligible bubbles in “hate” water

Example of 2 glasses filled with tap water at same time and left on same windowsill overnight….

Zero air bubbles in glass 

with “I hate you” label: Words “I Love You” and “Thank You”:

When the second water is “ignored” (no words added to glass), again a difference in level of oxygenation appears (same tap water left on windowsill overnight)

No text: Words “I Love You” and “Thank You”:

The above does not prove the water is structured, but the results align with Dr Emoto’s findings and 2x more visible bubbles align with Dr Pollack’s conclusions that structured water contains double the oxgen (H302)

  1. Do Dr. Emoto's rice experiment over 30 days (multiple people who have replicated it: C Scott,  ddemotte, Sam W Ritchie 5 weeksE Amaranti 2 months;   Adam Mock’s 2 year experiment)
  1. Take two lemons. On one piece of paper write the words “I Love you. You’re young and beautiful” and attach to lemon 1. On second piece of paper write “I hate you. You’re going to rot and get old” and attach to lemon 2. Put lemons in different rooms and a few times a day, say these words to the lemon. Watch what happens after 30 days.


The Maharishi Effect establishes the principle that individual consciousness affects collective consciousness. The underlying theory is based on the understanding that consciousness is a fundamental unbounded non-localised field that connects us all. The researchers in this study reasoned that if consciousness really is a field, then changes in individual consciousness would also effect the overall field and therefore other people as well. Essentially, when a large group of individuals collectively achieve a serene state of calm through Transcendental Meditation, there is an affect on others neither participating or aware of the meditation. This can be measured:

  1. Change in Brainwave coherence. Normally the two hemispheres of the brain are not in coherence (differences summarised). Coherence occurs during TM. Brainwave coherence increased in three individuals exactly when 2,500 people meditated 1,170 miles away.
  2. increase in order and harmony and decrease in violence. Brainwave coherence appears to increased a state of calm. Nearly 50 scientific research studies conducted over the past 25 years verified the unique effect and wide-ranging benefits to the nation it produces. ME was put to the test under the careful scrutiny of a distinguished review board in 1993 in Washington, D.C. The maximum decrease in violent crimes was 23.3%. The statistical probability that this result could reflect chance variation in crime levels was less than 2 in 1 billion (p < .000000002).

Literature from promoters of TM claim that it is the high brainwave coherence in those practicing TM that creates coherence in collective consciousness ie. others not practicing TM. A US Military report confirms that in those subjects doing TM there is a drawing of energy, resulting in acoustical waves. Sympathetic vibrations are created in the body. There is a synchronisation between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Lieutenant Colonel Wayne M. McDonnell was tasked by the Commander of the U.S. Army Operational Group to explain non-physical phenomena to senior army officials. See pages 1 – 3 of his report

“Yoga, zen or transcendental meditation…will produce a change in the sound frequency with which the human heart resonates throughout the entire body….about three times [louder than when] the heart is operating normally….. It brings the body into resonance with the electrostatic field of the earth”– pages 5-6 of McDonnell’s report.

In 1956, Soviet scientists confirmed a psychic connection between animals. A document prepared by the U. S. Army 

Medical Intelligence and Information Agency states:

Dr. Pavel Naumov, conducted animal biocommunication studies between a submerged Soviet Navy submarine and a shore research station: these tests involved a mother rabbit and her newborn litter and occurred around 1956…. Soviet scientists placed the baby rabbits aboard the submarine. They kept the mother rabbit in a laboratory on shore where they implanted electrodes (EEG?) in her brain. When the submarine was submerged, assistants killed the rabbits one by one. At each precise moment of death, the mother rabbit’s brain produced detectable and recordable reactions.”

Document refers to multiple experiments into paranormal phenomena - under rigorously controlled laboratory conditions - on behalf on the military across the USSR and Czechoslovakia continued for decades.

This idea of unconnected matter affecting each other appears at the quantum level - see Quantum entanglement


“Magic” is a word for technology/abilities that we do not yet understand. 

“The Galileo Commission Report is a revolutionary work that serves as a “wake-up call” to humanity that there is more to this universe than our physicalist notions currently allow. This report is a well-written, comprehensible, yet thorough introduction to the big concepts and ideas surrounding a world view beyond physicalism and the necessity for humankind to broaden and deepen our understanding of consciousness. This report is a compelling call for us to re-examine the impact of our belief systems and assumptions on our work and to expand our scope, deepen our introspection, and apply our scientific curiosity towards a more comprehensive understanding of consciousness. The ramifications of such are too big to ignore” - Jennifer Kim Penberthy, PhD, ABPP Chester F. Carlson Professor of Psychiatry & Neurobehavioral Sciences, Division of Perceptual Studies

In consultation with 90 advisers representing 30 universities worldwide, The Galileo Commission explored the scientific evidence for consciousness and phenomena that suggests that we are so much more than our mere physical bodies. Evidence of our higher-self abilities (telepathy; telekinesis etc) has been collated and studied for decades and the conclusions summarised in their report. It’s recommended to read the Layman’s Report first before diving into the full report

Evidence of remote viewing

Dr. Jessica Utts, Professor of Statistics, was brought onto a classified project on behalf of multiple US Intelligence agencies to provide statistical validation and scientific proof that remote viewing, AKA psychic phenomenon, was a legitimate human capability. Those agencies utilised remote viewing for 15-20 years.  Study evidenced remote viewing of events in different countries and in the future. Summary of experiments US Military conducted with Stanford on Remote Viewing

Thousands of …folks all over the world … described their out-of-body experiences” when Vice requested to hear about OOBs

Evidence of energy manipulation

Dr. John Zimmerman measured the magnetic field frequencies of Reiki practitioners and other energy therapists while they worked on clients, and found that they all emitted ELF frequencies from their hands. The range of that field was 0.3 to 30 Hz, the same range of frequencies associated with healthy tissue and organs. The frequency occurring most often in the hands of energy therapists was 7 Hz, the same frequency as the PEMF device approved by the FDA for stimulating bone growth.

Healers and meditators emit three to 1000 times the baseline U.V. radiations intentionally. These readings change at the start of their activities and subside when the activity stops (Human Bioluminescence article by Brian Rose, KIYA Longevity)

Reiki (manipulation of “invisible” energy) purifies water

Evidence of self-healing 

Meditation is one of the paths to connect with our higher self. Transcendental Meditation is the most researched one and hints at the power of getting in tune with one’s higher self:

  • Body naturally heals itself eg. “reductions in all 17 disease categories studied e.g. 87% less for heart and neurological problems, 73% less for respiratory disorders and 55% less for tumours” – see ‘Reduced Need for Health Care’
  • Physical body “hibernates” during connection - body settles into a deep rest, “much deeper than sleep”
  • Slows ageing – “subjects were found to be 12 years younger biologically after five years of meditating”
  • More info:; medical evidence 

Evidence of precognition

History is sprinkled with examples of famous seers whose predictions were validated:

  • Nostradamus (1503 – 1566) - predicted the French Revolution, Napoleon’s Rise, Henry II’s Death, Great London Fire in 1666, the JFK assassination and the 9/11 attacks.
  • Edgar Cayce (1877 - 1945) made his name as a psychic healer. During his lifetime he was credited with assisting thousands of people suffering from all manner of ailments. Occasionally while in a self-induced trance, Cayce would foretell future events. He predicted the First and Second World War, the independence of India and the 1929 stockmarket crash four years beforehand. He also predicted, fifteen years before the event, the creation of the State of Israel. 
  • 80% of the prophecies by world-renowned prophetess, Baba Vanga, (40:00) came true. Included prophecies about Chernobyl, Indian Ocean Tsunami and the sinking of Russian “Kursk” submarine
  • Dr. Jessica Utts shared the example of Joe McMoneagle whose ability was tested multiple times on a TV gameshow. He remote viewed the event the evening beforehand to see what he would be asked to do on the gameshow (17:44)
  • meta-analysis of 309 “future-telling” studies conducted on 50,000 subjects found a significant success rate

No doubt hundreds of humans have existed who could use some of their higher-self abilities, but most feared disclosing their abilities during the “witch” hunts during 1324-1811. Anyone displaying “magic” was considered to be in league with the devil and burned at the stake.

All human beings have the potential to access some of their higher-self abilities while incarnate

“Instinct is something which transcends knowledge. We have, undoubtedly, certain finer fibers that enable us to perceive truths when logical deduction, or any other wilful effort of the brain, is futile”

 ― Nikola Tesla, proclaimed by Einstein to be “the smartest man alive”

Your gut instinct that someone poses a danger to you – when you know nothing about the person and they give no verbal or physical signs of a threat – is your higher self-intuition at work. This is the intuition/gut feelings that most of us experience to different degrees and that Tesla refers to.

  • Cayce displayed several ESP abilities and claimed that “psychic is of the soul” - a part of our spiritual essence. "I am one of the few who can lay aside their own personalities sufficiently to allow their souls to make this attunement to a universal source of knowledge - but I say this without any desire to brag about it. In fact, I do not claim to possess anything that other individuals do not inherently possess. Really and truly, I do not believe there is a single individual that does not possess this same ability I have. I am certain that all human beings have much greater powers than they are ever conscious of - if they would only be willing to pay the price of detachment from self-interest that it takes to develop those abilities" – Cayce quote, after exercising his powers for thirty-one years
  • The “Dr Utts” study chose volunteers including those with day jobs who expressed some abilities (not professional psychics). “There is a spectrum of ability…everybody can be trained to do it a little bit better” (19:20)
  • Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) laboratory spent 27 years conducting hundreds of experiments studying the role of consciousness in the establishment of physical reality. This included Remote Viewing and the manipulation of matter with the mind. Studies showed positive results with odds of about 10,000 to 1 against the results being mere chance. Minor children appeared to be more successful than adults at using psychic abilities, which may be due to the indoctrination in society that such abilities do not exist and damage to the pineal gland. This gland is critical to using such abilities and is typically more damaged in adults due to the chemicals in processed foods and our environment. Note that these subjects did not use any techniques (eg. Silva method) to improve their sixth sense abilities nor were necessarily possessed a high degree of innate ability, unlike those subjects  in the “Dr Utts” study
  • The body is a bio-electrical organism. Reducing the resistance in an electrical wire allows more electricity to flow through it (known as Ohm's law). Using this theory, what happens if you reduce the resistance in the human brain? This was the thinking of electrician José Silva who claimed to have trained his children to have ESP abilities. The Silva Method has been researched by multiple research institutions and scientists and an increase in psychic experiences and Intuition (a sixth sense) was reported by students who undertook Silva’s Basic Lecture Series.


Additional optional reading:

  • The Scientific and Medical Network is a worldwide professional community and membership organisation for open-minded, rigorous and evidence-based enquiry into themes bridging science, spirituality and consciousness 
  • Meta-analysis of 26 studies claim sixth sense is real. Intuition can be improved
  • Is Echolocation using hearing or one’s intuition? “15 participants not trained in echolocation… most of the participants knew the answer”

Entire cultures tap into an alternative “true reality” through spirituality, meditation, and plant medicine. The following documentaries explore this:

More on Darwin’s Theory

  • Probability of a Single Protein Forming by Chance
  • Mathematical Challenges to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution explained by Berlinski, Gelernter and Meyer; and Chuck Missler 
  • Darwin’s Theory was ridiculed when first published, however it was helpful to the Establishment that required scientific justification for their Eugenics programme (“survival of the fittest”). The theory was heavily promoted by Thomas Henry Huxley, who found it useful to attack religion. Note the grandson, Julian Huxley, was president of the British Eugenics Society and first Director of UNESCO (originally a vehicle to promote Eugenics Internationally via “family planning”)

Transcendental Meditation is what is known as a mantra meditation. The following walks through how one does a mantra meditation. It is very simple. There is no need to sit cross legged on the floor or complicated yoga postures 

1. Position yourself so your posture allows you to relax but with upright back. Be comfortable and remain alert 

2. Close your eyes. Eyes will remain closed during the 20-minute practice.

3. Deep slow breathes out for about 30secs. Pranayama (breathing exercises) can be helpful to do before the meditation

4. focus on your Third Eye (pineal gland) - the space between your eyebrows. 

5. Start repeating the mantra in your mind, in a relaxed manner, the cadence should not be long or quick, just whatever feels comfortable to you. Mantra should ideally be a word that has no meaning in your language to avoid thoughts/emotions relating to the word - examples.  Consider using “Om” as your mantra - some claim the vibration of these thoughts help open up the chakra 

6. remember to breath slow and long as time passes. The rhythm of your breath and your mantra should not necessarily match. Don’t worry about this.

7. When you recognize you're having a thought, simply return to the mantra. Don’t get annoyed by the distraction/thought

8. After 20 minutes, stop thinking the mantra.

9. begin to move your fingers and toes to ease yourself back to the world.

10. Sit for a few more minutes until you feel ready to continue with your day. Open your eyes slowly  


Pineal gland AKA The Third Eye  

What is it?    

  • “The pineal gland is a neuroendocrine transducer secreting melatonin responsible for physiological circadian rhythm control. A new form of bio-mineralization has been studied in the human pineal gland and consists of small crystals that are less than 20 microns in length. These crystals are responsible for electromechanical, biological transduction mechanism in the pineal gland due to the structure and piezoelectric properties." - Joe Dispenza's Becoming Supernatural book
  • Galen (AD 129 – 216), a Greek physician and philosopher, recorded information on the pineal gland's significance. His colleagues believed the pineal controlled the movement of "psychic pneuma," an ethereal substance known as "the first instrument of the soul"
  • “Seat of the soul” – Descartes, scientist widely considered a seminal figure in the emergence of modern science (1650)

What does it do?

  • benefits and abilities the third eye brings include clarity, concentration, perspicuity, bliss, intuition, decisiveness and insight
  • The pineal gland is shaped like a tiny pinecone, which is how it got its name (“pine”-al gland). However, it is pronounced “pin-ee-uhl.” Many Ancient Civilisations revered the pine cone (symbolised the pineal gland). It’s often shown with a handbag, which symbolized divinely inspired knowledge. Both mystics and neuroscientists explain that activating one’s pineal gland allows one to reach an altered state of consciousness. This enables us to access our higher energetic self and potentially the wider knowledge that exists.
  • “the connecting link between physical and spiritual worlds” - i24NEWS report
  • Cerebrospinal Fluid CSF is the liquid that bathes the central nervous system (the brain, pineal gland and the spinal cord) – talks by Mauro Zappaterra, Director of Regenerative Medicine and Clinical Research; Dr Joe Dispenza, neuroscientist
  • Endocrinological    
  • Releases DMT – powerful psychedelic, helps us dream.  Those who take DMT report seeing similar beings, buildings – is it because they are all simply accessing another dimension our eyes cannot see? 
  • Psychedelics are an aid to opening the Third Eye - played role in the human experience of the Divine throughout Western history - The Immortality Key by Muraresku
  • Third Eye discussed by Manly P. Hall (5:29 Lecture on Energy Manipulation), author of The Secret Teachings of All Ages (1928) which covers the Ancient Mysteries

References in Religion or by Mystics

  • Mentions in the Bible: talk of Peniel, Chrism oil, honey & milk; outline HERE
  • Sadhguru explains it is to stimulate your energies to give you clarity of other dimensions
  • Rabbi Joel David Bakst, an expert in the study of Kabbalah, the Torah, and the Talmud, claims the same about connecting the right and left brain hemispheres
  • According to the ancients: 
  • The Vedas are the oldest scriptures of Hinduism and the ones that set the foundations of the religion. The Vedas establish the concept of the chakras, a concentration of energy. Seven main chakras connect our body to the universe; the brow chakra, called the Ajna chakra and most commonly known as the “third eye”. Use of Bindis by Hindu deities are often depicted with a literal third eye on their forehead. This eye represents an awakening, or enlightenment, as the ability to see into higher realms of existence and consciousness
  • Ancient Egyptian references (4:13)


Additional optional reading:

Awakening your Third Eye

This can be done…

….gently over time via:

  • Mantra Meditation eg. Transcendental Meditation
  • Reduce toxins in the body, particularly Fluoride
  • Decalcify Pineal gland: Music
  • Bringing awareness to area / yoga – Tips by Dr. Hansaji Yogendra 
  • KAP can speed up the process (opens energy chakras up gently from top to bottom)

….more forcefully (some report shocks to body due to the level of energies released quickly)

  • Dispenza’s Pineal Gland Breath claims to electrically activate your pineal gland, essentially turning it into an antenna that is capable of tuning into higher frequencies from higher dimensions, and produce profound imagery.

(forces open energy chakras from bottom to top)

Psychedelics MAY be able to open it temporarily

  • Pineal gland Releases DMT – powerful psychedelic, helps us dream.  Those who take DMT report seeing similar beings, buildings - are they are all simply accessing another dimension our eyes cannot see? 
  • Psychedelics are an aid to opening the Third Eye - played role in the human experience of the Divine throughout Western history - The Immortality Key by Muraresku


Water has memory

  • 1 drop holy water affects 70 gallons of water
  • If one drop of Zamzam (Holy) water mixed in 1000 drops of regular water, regular water gets the same quality like Zamzam water.
  • memorised DNA (16:08-16:55), despite severe dilution (11:49-12:33); water can “listen” and communicate information (17:05-24:00)
  • In a lab, a poison in a sealed container was dropped into a container of water and left overnight. The water was fed to mice the next day and poisoned them, even though the container remained sealed and no trace of the poison was detected in the water. The water had stored the data relating to the poison and its effects. This seems fantastical but it the whole basis of homoeopathically-prepared allopathic drugs, which is reported to have the same effect as the drug itself. This replicates the effects found when diluting holy water 
  • heart is 73% water by volume (99% molecularly). Memories in heart of murder victim transferred to transplant patient (3:10)


We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience 

- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, French Jesuit priest, scientist and philosopher

This was the mainstream position for thousands of years amongst many philosophers, scientists, healers, learned men and leaders. Connecting with one’s higher self was institutionalised in many parts of the world by learning the Mysteries. They were taught as part of a culture’s education system or as a rite of passage in other cultures. For example, up to 60,000 students from noble families annually attended the Druid mystery schools in England. Practically all important thinkers and writers of ancient Greece, including Socrates and Plato, were initiates of the Eleusinian Mysteries. They operated for 2000 years up until the temple’s destruction around 400AD. Quotes by initiates:

“All men’s souls are immortal, but the souls of the righteous are immortal and divine….I do nothing but go about persuading you all not to take thought for your persons or your properties, but and chiefly to care about the greatest improvement of the soul” 

- Socrates (470 BC) the founder of Western philosophy 

“Never forget that the universe is a single living organism possessed of one substance and one soul, holding all things suspended in a single consciousness and creating all things with a single purpose that they might work together spinning and weaving and knotting whatever comes to pass.”
        ― Marcus Aurelius (161 to 180 AD), Stoic philosopher and last of the rulers known as the Five Good Emperors

“The ultimate goal of the Mysteries was to lead us back to the principles from which we descended, a perfect enjoyment of intellectual spiritual good; death is not the end of one’s life but only the beginning of another part of the journey….Our mysteries had a very real meaning: he that has been purified and initiated shall dwell with the gods“ 

- Plato (c.428-347 B.C)

“Because of those sacred and faithful promises given in the mysteries, we hold it firmly for an undoubted truth that our soul is incorruptible and immortal. Let us behave ourselves accordingly” 

- Plutarch (AD 46–after AD 119), philosopher and Platonist. 

In consultation with 90 advisers representing 30 universities worldwide, The Galileo Commission explored the scientific evidence for consciousness and phenomena that suggests that we are so much more than our mere physical bodies. Evidence of our higher-self abilities and multiple incarnations has been collated and studied for decades and the conclusions summarised in their report. It’s recommended to read the Layman’s Report first before diving into the full report

Note the 14th century meaning of incarnate refers to souls, spirits, etc being "embodied in flesh, in human or bodily form". Human being = we are not THE physical body. The energetic spiritual self merely spends time being a human to experience the physical 

The past two centuries, medicine and science has been directed away from the spiritual towards a narrow, materialistic worldview. The Establishment have duped us into believing that Science can explain all mysteries within and outside of our bodies. Sheldrake exposed Scientific Dogmas to be without merit in The Science Delusion. Did that prompt a re-evaluation?  No, mainstream science and its gatekeepers doubled-down. Rather than debate him, they labelled his talk as pseudo-science and censored it.

Various channels dedicated to collating Near Death Experience (NDE) reports include verifiable evidence that the spirit realm is a reality. A “reductive materialism” worldview is promoted in mainstream science and this pushes the false narrative that NDEs are merely dreams or hallucinations caused by chemical reactions in the brain. 

If you had to suggest the best case study of an NDE, it would involve: a very skeptical patient, someone who was an expert in neuroscience, and a situation where there were extremely detailed records of what was happening to brain chemistry at the point of death. By the laws of chance, that is never going to happen...
except that is what occurred in the case of Dr. Eben Alexander, whose case evidenced that visions were neither due to a drug-induced coma or merely a dream/hallucination. Dr. Alexander is known worldwide for his work in developing advanced neurosurgical technologies for complex disorders of the brain. His neuro-scientific worldview was that a complete understanding of cognitive neuroscience, and specifically, consciousness, could be obtained by understanding the vast interrelationships of the brain’s material reduced to its most basic elements (neuronal networks, individual molecular and atomic properties and interactions of nerve cells).  His neuro-science career taught him that near-death experiences are brain-based illusions, and yet his personal experience left him dumbstruck. Summary of credible NDE case study by neurosurgeon who was a NDE skeptic. Dr. Alexander risked his reputation and career by taking a position which went against everything he and his profession believed about NDE.

Near-death experiences can be differentiated from dreams, hallucinations, and deliria by their phenomenology and sequelae, and represent an entirely different phenomenon, the memory of which does not fade over time” - case report in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease (September 2018) 

Here are just a few more examples that challenge the dream/hallucination narrative:

  • hearing discussions in the same room after death: Dr. Anna Stone
  • remote viewing something a great distance from one’s body: Anna Stone; Penny Wittbrodt
  • intimate knowledge of people not known before experience: reason why co-worker “was terrible
  • seeing a future event: three years later son said “I’ll be the dad to him than I deserved” (17:38 – 19:36)
  • significant life altering change: immediately stopped addiction to alcohol and physically could not consume it

There are hundreds of individuals from all walks of life that report an NDE. Many saw/heard things that are verifiable by third parties


Additional optional reading:

Carl Jung, highly influential psychiatrist and philosopher, describes his near-death experience in his autobiography entitled Memories, Dreams, Reflections:

  • Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
  • When you succeed in awakening the Kundalini, so that it starts to move out of its mere potentiality, you necessarily start a world which is totally different from our world. It is the world of eternity.
  • As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being 

Other NDEs:

  • Galileo Commission Layman’s Report summarises decades of research into this phenomena
  • Dr. Eben Alexander book
  • Legacy media resorts to distortion of facts to control the desired narrative eg. Esquire Article distorted facts about Dr. Eben Alexander’s medical condition to disparage NDE as a reality. His recovery “has no precedent in the medical literature” (16:17).

Current famous individuals in the arts, literature, music, movies and business who became aware that we are spiritual beings  

Additions to this version:

  • CIA’s The Gateway Process
  • The Galileo Commission
  • structured water
  • Dr. Emoto's rice experiment 
  • Dr Knut Pfeiffer
  • pineal gland – origin and mention in the Bible
  • Evidence humans manipulate energy
  • McTaggart’s large-scale, global intention experiments
  • Additional info about Maharishi Effect
  • CIA report touching on power of thought
  • Cymatics
  • Lemon experiment
  • Rabbit experiment
  • Bovis Biometer readings