Standing Yoga Poses and Asanas
Standing Yoga Poses and Asanas Standing yoga poses are those postures in which the body is more or less upright. They are a characteristic of modern yoga and have become ... -
Mountain Pose - Tadasana
Mountain Pose - Tadasana- Information Tadasana is a standing pose Tadasana is the fundamental, basic standing position from which we can uncover the foundations of all of the standing postures. ... -
Extended Triangle Pose - Utthita Trikonasana
Extended Triangle Pose - Utthita Trikonasana - Information Utthita= extended Tri= 3 Kona = angle Trikonasana= 3 angle pose Balancing posture- allows the energy to be evenly distributed in the ... -
Warrior Two - Virabhadrasana II
Warrior Two - Virabhadrasana II - Information My mantra for this pose is 'Look to the future, learn from the past, live in the present'. Warrior Two is a dynamic ... -
Sun Salutation - Surya Namaskara
Sun Salutation - Information The Raja of Aundh, Maharashtra, India (1909-1947) popularized this sequence by making it mandatory to school curriculum and encouraged all to perform it daily. The sequence ... -
Snake Pose - Yoga Chi Posture
Snake Pose - Information This is a posture I discovered when I came across Shadow Yoga and was also familiar with the position when I trained in Tai Chi. It is ... -
Warrior Pose (one) - Virabhadrasana
Warrior Pose (one) - Information Don't let the name warrior pose confuse you. There is nothing aggressive about this pose. All yogis are spiritual warriors and so this pose lives up to ...