crow pose arm balance

Crow Pose (Crane Pose) - Bakasana

Crow Pose - Information

The crow pose is also know by its Sanskrit name of bakasana. Although bak means crane this pose is more commonly known as the crow pose, depending on where you are in the world.  This is a level 1 yoga pose and suitable for most beginners.  Be careful if you suffer from carpel tunnel syndrome as this can have a detrimental effect on you.

It can take many weeks of practice to achieve this pose so it is advisable to have done enough of the other less challenging poses in order that you have strengthened your core, arms and wrist sufficiently.

For some this pose is all about your desire to achieve the pose.  This is not yoga.   This is ego.  Wait until you know you are ready for this pose and your body will let you learn this pose easily and the spiritual rewards will be greater.

There are many benefits that you can get from this pose. As I have already mentioned it is important to strengthen your arms, wrists and core.  This pose will further improve your joint, muscle and tendons in these areas.  You also get a lovely stretch on the upper back.  Your organs below the abs get a gentle massage with your abs getting a great little workout.  Balance is another benefit.

Crow Pose - Instructions Step by Step

Step 1

From a standing position, bend your knees while moving them away from the body as if squatting.  Between you knees place your hands face down in front of you in line with your shoulders.   Bend you elbows and lean the body forward so that the torso touches the inside of your thighs.  Your shins should now be against your upper arms.

Step 2

Slowly lift up onto the balls of your feet and lean forward.  You will start to feel the weight of your body on your arms.  Keep your tailbone tucked in and arch your back with feet pulled in as close to your buttocks as possible.

Step 3

As you exhale continue to lean forward until your feet leave the ground below you.  This is where your balancing skills will be tested.  Too far and your wrists and arms will have to come into play in order to right yourself.  You can keep moving back and forward from feet on the floor to feet off the floor in order to get a feel for you balance.

Step 4

Pressing the inner thighs into the elbows straighten the arms and lift the head to look at the ground below you.  You must be gripping the arms as much as possible with the legs as far up the arms as possible.


  • Wrist Strength
  • Core Strength
  • Shoulder Strength
  • Arm Strength
  • Back Stretch
  • Organ Massage
  • Balance
  • Improved Blood Flow
  • Relaxed Mind
  • Anxiety Relief

Leading Poses

The mountain pose is a great pose to follow on from.


It is advised that you do not attempt this pose if you suffer from Carpel Tunnel Syndrome.

Video Instruction

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