Utthita Trikonasana- Extended Triangle pose

Extended Triangle Pose - Utthita Trikonasana

Extended Triangle Pose - Utthita Trikonasana - Information

Utthita= extended

Tri= 3

Kona = angle

Trikonasana= 3 angle pose

Balancing posture- allows the energy to be evenly distributed in the 3 sections of the body, which form the 3 angles of the asana- arms, legs & trunk

5 rays of energy, 2 arms stretching away, 2 legs stretching out & down, fifth line running from the tailbone extending towards the crown of the head

I love triangle pose as it’s excellent preparation for standing poses, it really allows me to find my feet, build may foundation and tune into my body. I love the sense of openness the posture creates and the strength it builds. The posture assists us in establishing balance between the upper half and lower half of the body. This can help us to find the perfect point if equilibrium and help our mind  to become steady and quiet. Triangle is a perfect posture physically, mentally and spiritually, bringing balance strength & harmony into your life.

The posture is very straight forward. Once you are able to master the initial pose, you can go ahead and try out its variations. Once you have established a solid foundation for your pose, you can start expanding and extending the stretch. The more you stretch your body, the more benefits you will get from this pose. Remember also to concentrate on your breathing, never sacrifice your breath for the posture. The more you focus on your breath the easier the posture will, be the quieter the mind and your practice will become a moving meditation, this is where the magic and deliciousness of yoga reveals itself! Enjoy!

Extended Triangle Pose - Utthita Trikonasana - Instructions Step by Step

Step 1

Place feet 1 leg length apart forming an equilateral triangle with the legs. Hips face the long side of the mat.

Step 2

Turn the back foot in by approx 150

The front foot turns out to 70-90 A full 900 turn of the front foot is often too much for most people and can send a twist up to the sacroiliac joint so find a position where the hips remain facing forward without any twisting in the lower back

The front heel is in line with the arch of the back foot

To check alignment keep the hips facing long edge of mat, put your hands on your hips to check the hips are forward facing. Bend the front knee lining the knee up with the first 2 toes, straighten the legs and engage the muscles with slight outward rotation, work the feet so the arches are lifted, draw the leg muscles towards the bone and the draw the muscles from the floor up to the pelvis, fix the hips.

Step 3

Inhale and lift the arms up to shoulder height, release the shoulders

Exhale and extend the torso and front arm forwards extending the arm directly upwards out of the shoulder

Feel the trunk elongating. Keep the right and left waist evenly extended

Step 4

Place the front hand onto the thigh/shin (if very flexible you may even reach the floor)

Reach upwards with the finger tips of the back arm. The arms are in alignment with each other

The neck remains long and in line with the spine, you can either look upwards to the thumb of the raised hand or downwards towards the front foot depending on comfort in the neck.

The body is in one plane- hipbones, shoulders and hands are along the same line as the feet

To release look down to foot, gently bend the knee inhale to come up.

Maintain foundation in the feet and repeat to the L.



  • Standing postures engage the core strength and further develop our foundation.
  • Stimulates flow of energy from the spine to the limbs. The hips and legs draw energy upwards.
  • Stretches and strengthens the arches of the feet, thighs, knees, calves and ankles, the hips, groins, shoulders, chest, and spine
  • Stabilises and strengthens the legs and torso
  • Increases muscular endurance
  • Full flexion of the hip increases the blood supply to the lower region of the spine and invigorates the abdominal organs improving digestion
  • Relieves menopausal symptoms
  • Relieves sciatica
  • Chest is fully expanded and the heart centre, anahata chakra is stimulated
  • Balances energy within the body
  • Improves digestion and circulation


  • Builds focus and will power
  • Stimulates the mind
  • Relieves stress


  • High blood pressure: Turn the head to gaze downward in the final pose.
  • Neck injuries: do not look up; continue looking straight ahead and keep both sides of the neck evenly long.
  • Low blood pressure


  • If it isn't possible to comfortably touch the floor with the bottom hand or fingertips, place a block under your hand directly under the shoulder.

Trikonasana with block


  • If it is not possible to straighten the front leg bend the knee until the body begins to open

Triangle Trikonasana Modification Variation

  • Circle upper arm to open shoulder
  • Both arms can be raised. This is a more advanced version and should only be attempted when there is a strong core. This will fire up the obliques and make the legs work extra hard to maintain the balance.


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